Sunday, November 16, 2008

So I was on the look out for a "Gentleman's Bicycle" for a few months now so today I figured I'd make my way around some of the local bike shops. I went to Big Momma's but didn't like what I saw there so I figured I'd head downtown.

I remembered seeing Naples Bike Shop, but thought that it was closed, until I saw a sign in from stating "Going Out Of Business Sale"

I stopped in and knew I was in the right place.

I found this old Panasonic tucked waaay in the back and it was over, I was even willing to pay the 80$ price tag, until the nephew of the former owner said he's take 20$. But then he said he'd give it to me if I took some junk over to this old guys house, done and done!

Beautiful, I'll get a new seat and clean her up, and maaaaybe make it a fixed gear, we'll see.

Today's going good.